Who are ‘we’

[a] is the trading name of Stewart Ainslie, a designer living in Scotland.

Stew’s a graphic designer, art director and brand consultant.



[a+] are the team of independent creative types who work together to realise dreams.

Collaboration is the core principal on which our work is founded.

We know that a project is a journey best shared. These days we don’t walk alone.

Some agencies disguise the talented individuals who create their award-winning, globally recognised and terrifically expensive work. That doesn’t work for us.

It should be simple—whoever is involved in our work takes their share of credit. They get paid fairly and on time too.

image: © Jonathan Addie 2015

image: © Jonathan Addie 2015

Stewart Ainslie

Stew’s been running the show since July 2015. Didn’t he look young back then?

What we do

  1. We talk to people about their business problems

  2. Then we come up with a plan to ease them

  3. Once we know the facts things get a bit creative

  4. After we’ve completed the work and been paid, we scurry off to boast on social media

  5. Ideally, there is time for ice cream before the next project!


[a] teams

Independence and freedom are our core principals. And they are shared by an ever growing roster of independent creative and strategic folks.

Learn more about the ever changing faces who make up these teams—